Six Foot Cup

I am at odds with myself. I have become increasingly conflicted. I feel this way; then that way. I’m at peace and content; then I’m stressed and unsettled. This statistic is concerning; but that doesn’t add up. Remote work is getting old; but I don’t want to go back to work. It’s reasonable to respect the seriousness of the pandemic and not be careless or reckless; but until the vaccine is predominant, it’s obvious the virus is going to do what it wants to do, restrictions or not.

What explains those who diligently wear masks, socially distance, and adhere to every recommendation and edict from the experts, yet are still infected? What explains how some states’ restrictions are driving small businesses and restaurants into extinction, while others, with fewer restrictions, have lower death rates, citizens are happy, and businesses thrive? It seems the things we think are most helpful aren’t a silver bullet after all, and things we think are most perilous maybe aren’t as devastating as we thought.

I liken it somewhat to parenting. You can do everything wrong and your kid will still turn out alright; you can do everything right and your kid will still take a left at Albuquerque, delivering indescribable anguish.

Point: Many people have done everything right, yet still catch COVID.

Counter-Point: Many people have been careless, nonchalant, or downright rebellious to recommendations, yet they’re doing fine.

Truth: There is a worldwide crisis.

Sad-Truth: Political posturing has been rife throughout the crisis…on all sides.

I grieve for what our country has become. No longer a shining example of democracy to the world, we have lost a common sense of dignity and respect. Peaceful protests are one thing. But antagonism has led to months of destructive civil unrest, disobedience, death, and millions in damages. The U.S. is supposed to be the world’s democratic leader. Now we look like a dysfunctional junior high school. Our political ‘leaders’ and elected officials have cast aside statesmanship, diplomacy, and decorum in favor of hissy-fits and name-calling. Taking credit or blaming others for something clearly beyond anyone’s complete understanding takes precedence over doing the right thing.

As a man of faith, I’m called to be subject to governing authority, and to be anxious for nothing (Rom 13.1; Philippians 4.6). But I am admittedly frustrated and confused. My heart aches for those who have lost loved ones to this wicked affliction. And for people losing their life savings and livelihoods because they aren’t allowed to responsibly resume reasonable, careful business operations; or go back to work at the jobs necessary to do so.

What does all that have to do with six foot cups of coffee? Everything!!

These are tough times even for the strongest among us. People’s mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being have been challenged greatly since this began. Humans are social creatures; nearly a year of social distancing and isolation has been devastating. We need each other!

Hollywood might be onto something, for at least one pivotal scene always seems to take place in a booth or at the counter of a classic roadside diner. Heroes, villains, fugitives, unlikely lovers figuring things out, or conspirators planning a heist. Best done over a hot cup of Joe!

There’s nothing quite like sitting down with a friend. Self-care, buddy-check, confessional, solving world problems, venting. Whatever the reason, it’s good and necessary. I love my alone time…but I need people too! Bonus when it’s without agenda or drama or judgment or problems that need solved.

Such was the advent of the ‘six foot cup’.

It came about during a virtual team meeting. As I expressed my concern over current events and the well-being of my people, I also shared some of my own struggles with so much social isolation. I end meetings imploring them to call, text, email, or video me any time if they need anything or just want to talk. Pleasantly, a number of them have. On this occasion I offered to meet anywhere in the state for a ‘socially-distanced’ cup of coffee.

Immediately, a trusted colleague and friend – intuitive to my need, and perhaps desiring some adult conversation himself – messaged to take me up on that “six foot cup”. Therapeutic for us both, we’ve since met twice.

I refuse to live my life in fear of this pandemic. But I likewise refuse to allow my actions to cause others concern or to stumble. I continue to respect the well-being (and fears) of others and adhere to the precautions of wearing a mask and not being careless in contact or interactions with others. These are not unreasonable expectations for anyone.

Maybe it is also reasonable not to pretend to know things we don’t; not to regurgitate dubious statistics; not to buy into or create false narratives; or not to concern ourselves with outward appearances…while being filled with questionable or self-serving motives.

“Woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry…” (Luke 11.46)

“Everything they do is done for people to see.” (Matt. 23.4-5)

God is in control. We are not God. Be wary of those who think they are.

It’s a miracle he hasn’t already smote every one of us for our selfishness, disobedience, and unfaithfulness.

Thanks for the six-foot cup, Karl. Next week?

12 thoughts on “Six Foot Cup

  1. M Colizzi

    Another powerful message that resonates. Always refreshing to be reminded ‘we’ are not alone on this journey. Having coffee with no agenda is epic! Your wisdom and insight carry a strong trickle effect. Thanks Dave E.

  2. Tony F.

    To my long time/long distance friend. As I sit here working an extra job (detail) this Saturday morning your email on “Six Foot Cup” is the first thing I open.
    I appreciate your thoughts and the fact that you take the time to put them out there for others. Sure wishing I could take you up on that invite for a cup of Joe.
    Thanks for the words of encouragement, they help probably more than you know. Keep it up my friend.

    Your brother,

    • Tony, thanks for taking time to read and comment. I’m so encouraged by your feedback and also wish we could grab a cup together…it’s been way too long. Still, I have many great memories of our time serving together, brother, and we will connect again one way or another!

  3. billybuffett

    Hey WB:

    i got a suggestion:
    how about a 6 foot bottle of LANDSHARK LAGER ?
    after consuming that, you won’t care about all the other stuff.

    if we weren’t all crazy, we WOULD GO INSANE !!!

    peace, out…………..

    (seriously challenged about serious stuff)

  4. Joe Thornell Sr.

    Well written Dave and 100% on-target! You captured what many of our people feel and perceive without much recourse for a fix. One thing I have tried to do (could do better) is buddy-check those I know are feeling less motivated and connected.

    Thanks for the energy from these words brother! Stay strong friend!

    • Joe, I always appreciate your comments and encouragement. Your influence as one of my mentors continues to pay dividends…you set a great example for others to follow, me included. Thanks, my friend!

  5. Dave B


    You nailed in this particular writing on the six foot cup. Many emotions, realities, and life circumstances listed about our current and future situation. Simply put can’t we all just take a minute and encourage one another was my take away.
    Recently purchasing one of your $10 Beyond Strength coffee mugs is a great reminder to staying connected to the things that matter most. God, family, and country, which is all about relationships.
    Stay the course my friend with a cup of southern pecan (my favorite) as you travel the road of Java joe and building strength in ourselves and others.

    Nice Work Bro!

    Dave B.

    • Brother Dave, thank you for your encouraging words and insights. I’m grateful for your support, and appreciate your recent donation and shout out. Your walk of faith is inspiring and I appreciate you making time in that to follow along.

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