Memorial Day: Lest We Forget

As Memorial Day approaches, I offer this encore presentation of Lest We Forget, originally posted this date in 2018. It is also available by audio at the SoundCloud or YouTube links provided below.

“By this we know love, because he laid down his life for us.”  These are the words of the apostle John, written somewhere around A.D. 90.  John was referring to Jesus Christ in the first half of that verse, but he goes on in the second half to say, “And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” (1 John 3:16).  The next few verses of that passage articulate what I consider some of the most insightful facts about love ever documented, the bottom line of which is this: genuine love ALWAYS results in action…not just sentimental words.  Memorial Day is a holiday through which we rightfully pause to remember the actions resulting in ultimate sacrifice by those defending freedom.

Since 1775, more than a million American service members have died in wars and conflicts to preserve the freedoms we hold dear, fighting for our independence.  They helped create the world we live in and paved the long road of democracy we continue walking today.  We all owe them our gratitude for the freedom to live, work, play, express our faith, and raise our families.  I’m especially mindful today of those thousands of brave sons and daughters who paid the ultimate sacrifice fighting our nation’s wars…who died while preserving our way of life.

These men and women were some of America’s best and brightest.  They gave their lives on the blood-soaked beaches of Normandy, in the jungles of the South Pacific, and over the skies of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.  They fought and died on the icy slopes of the Korean Peninsula and in the rice paddies of Vietnam.  More recently, they have fought and fallen in the mountains of Afghanistan and in the deadly streets of Iraq.  Only those who have seen the horrors of war firsthand can ever truly know what these Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines may have gone through in their final moments.

“…I think of all those guys killed in action, wounded in action, and their friends, their relatives and all those altered lives.  How could I forget?  It’s not so much what we went through as it is knowing what the other guys went through.  They died dirty.  They died hot, hungry and exhausted.  They died thinking that their loved ones would never know how they died.”  Clinton Poley, 2nd Platoon, Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry in the Ia Drang – as written in Lt. Gen. Harold G. Moore’s book We Were Soldiers Once…And Young.

Even though the technology of war has changed dramatically since the American Civil War, the risks and suffering has not.  For brave Americans who bear that risk, no victory is free from sorrow.  This nation’s men and women fight proudly, but we likewise know the price and weigh the cost each time we see another flag-draped coffin carrying the remains of another fallen hero home.  I can tell you that having been there on the other end as some of those heroes began their journey back to the U.S., the loss is real…tangible…and tragic to those grieving, on both sides of the ocean.

It is humbling, and comforting, to realize that despite the known dangers, increased operations tempo, and unconventional enemy we now face, every member of the all-volunteer armed forces serving today has either enlisted or re-enlisted since September 11, 2001.  And as of 2013, more than half of those serving were seasoned combat veterans.

“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother;” – Shakespeare, Henry V, Act IV, Scene 3.

Those who have known combat make me think of the words from the Man in the Arena portion of Theodore Roosevelt’s ‘Citizenship in a Republic’ speech: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.  The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasm, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

America’s military has defended her throughout history with courage and honor.  Our service members raised their right and swore an oath, knowing what they had to do and what that cost might be…the shedding of blood.  Perhaps their own.  They are humble servants, serving something greater than themselves.  Remember the fallen…today and every day.

Get Strong.  Be Strong.  Stay Strong.

If you have an extra few minutes, I encourage you to watch this video about Air Force Pararescueman William Pitsenbarger, killed in action in Vietnam, April 1966.  Video courtesy of the United States Air Force.

I also encourage you to learn more about the high price Americans have paid in service to the nation by exploring the following link:

Some of the above is taken from speeches I have given at Memorial Day events, with some of that content originally derived from military Public Affairs Office talking points provided for consistent messaging by those speaking in an official capacity.

Man in the Arena quote retrieved from:

Shakespeare quote retrieved from:

Paradoxical Conflictions

A Google search reveals a few definitions for ‘paradox’: a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true; a statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory; a situation, person, or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities. Paradoxical then being something with two meanings that don’t make sense together; or a contrary opinion.

A similar search reveals confliction is a fight or strong disagreement (conflict).

Paradox, conflict, contradiction. Redundant or not, this concerns my internal disagreement (conflict), compounded by contrary opinions.

I’m surely not the only person of faith who sometimes feels conflicted. Not just because of differing opinions or interpretations of scripture. The fact is, there are a number of contradictory or paradoxical statements in the Bible. For instance, giving to receive; dying to live; walking by faith not by sight; being yoked (laboring) to find rest; humbling oneself to be exalted; loving your enemies; God loves me yet allows heartache in my life. Even the subtitle of this blog, ‘Finding Strength in Weakness’, is paradoxical and rooted in the Bible.

Pondered within context, these present little problem for the believer. In fact, understanding them often leads to greater peace and a deeper relationship with God.

But perhaps a greater problem for many is confliction or confusion reconciling life today to biblical times. Every believer should guard against trying to conform a timeless and limitless God into their convenient discomfort-avoiding-box-of-human-relativism (modern existence). But the fact is, scholars sometimes interpret the same scripture differently, which can be particularly troublesome for believers…especially when it comes to commandments versus convictions. Making matters worse for already conflicted or confused people of faith, it is not uncommon for so-called pillars of the church to be most rigid in their ‘convictions’. And the first to confuse them for commandments.

I have a low threshold for boredom and a high threshold for busyness. This leads to a variety of extra responsibilities, hobbies, social activities, and other things that consume my time. Serving on various boards of directors and work activities provide professional satisfaction; hobbies and a variety of other creative endeavors provide needed outlet and opportunity to spend time with friends and family. Which is paradoxical in itself: being too busy can elevate stress or negatively impact relationships, while boredom often leads to nothing good (cf idle hands are the devils playthings). Which can likewise elevate stress and lead to nothing good, by the way.

My issue is a combination of trouble saying no, desire to please people, and knowing my propensity for less-than-productive thought life tendencies when I sit idle too long. Maybe I’m ‘wired’ that way, or maybe some of the things I’ve seen and done – that people really shouldn’t – somehow crossed up my wiring along the way.

Which brings me to my current confliction.

My friend Steven and I recently started something we call the Rhythm Section’s Guide to Mixology. He had the idea to create instructional videos of us making cocktails for our wives, while helping viewers “up their drink making game.” Between our friendship and the chemistry we already have playing in a band together, we knew it would be a creative way to do something fun together with our wives.

So what’s the conflict?

First, I’m confident not all of my Christian friends approve or agree with what we’re doing. While we certainly never advocate over-indulgence, nor partake in most of the concoctions ourselves, alcohol consumption is still one of those areas where Christians widely disagree. I’m no biblical scholar, but this is one of those commandment versus conviction situations that is highly sensitive and can create confusion or misunderstandings. So I’m concerned with how some feel about this venture. There’s also this paradox: even if it isn’t inherently wrong, neither do I want to cause anyone to stumble (cf 1 Cor 10.31). Self-doubt is seldom in short supply for me.

Secondly, I take great care, time, and effort providing essays here that are meaningful, insightful, helpful, or mildly entertaining. While I deeply appreciate every follower and all the shares, likes, and comments, our first Rhythm Section’s Guide to Mixology episode garnered more views and feedback than many of my articles, combined.

Oof. Not only is that disappointing, it may also be a sign it’s time to add something to this project, as well. More to come on that.

Here’s a few other head-scratchers to ponder, paradoxes or not.

I can’t see the forest for the trees; gotta be cruel to be kind; Tequila is mezcal, but mezcal is not necessarily tequila (thanks Matt and Dave); bourbon is whiskey, but not all whiskey is bourbon; champaign is wine, but wine is not necessarily champaign.

These are clearly not the best examples of paradoxes or conflictions, so I encourage you to comment below with a few of your own.

I also encourage you to research an old article by Jerry B. Harvey where he explains the Abilene Paradox. The Abilene Paradox says that the “…inability to manage agreement, rather than conflict, is the single most pressing issue of modern organizations” and that “Organizations frequently take actions contrary to the desires of any of their members, and defeat the very purposes they set out to achieve.”  

Paradox for thought.

Get Strong. Be Strong. Stay Strong.

Walls & Window Dressings

My parents divorced when I was young.  Hindsight tells me that resulted in a fair amount of confusion and uncertainty, even though I didn’t recognize it at the time.  It likely explains, on some deeper psychological level, some of the nonsensical things that provide a sense of comfort even to this day.  Things like carports, covered porches, other overhangs and enclosures; airports, hospitals, other places that are always open; and structure or routines.  

One of those routines was watching the yearly broadcast of classics like ‘It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown’, ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’, ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’, ‘Frosty the Snowman’, and ‘The Wizard of Oz’.  Pre-cable, pre-streaming (even pre-color in some instances), these were standard family routines.  Later, annual VHS viewings of ‘White Christmas’ became a new but similar routine. Likely because I could relate, I remember feeling bad for Charlie Brown, and angry at those making fun of Rudolph. I also remember being a little freaked out by flying monkeys, melting witches, and talking melting snowmen. Owning a quaint lodge somewhere like Vermont, or performing in dinner clubs across the world like entertainers Crosby, Kaye, Arnaz, or Sinatra has secretly always appealed to me.

No Desi Arnaz

Then there’s that pay-no-attention-to-the-man-behind-the-curtain thing.

I routinely self-deprecate.  The fact it took me a minute to fully understand the Wizard’s deception doesn’t make me feel better about myself.  Nonetheless, all the above provide analogue to things like transparency, accessibility, reality, and routines.

Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius wrote “Never value anything as profitable to yourself which shall compel you to break your promise, to lose your self-respect, to hate any man, to suspect, to curse, to behave hypocritically, to desire anything which needs walls and curtains.” (emphasis added)

I was pretty much toast at point number one…with a firm twisting of the knife by the last.

The Apostle Paul put it another way: “”Everything is permissible” – but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible” – but not everything is constructive.” (1 Cor. 10.23)

Consider the words of former FBI profiler Roy Hazelwood that perhaps cut deepest to the heart of the matter: When everything is tolerated, nothing is forbidden. Does that not typify today’s social condition? Moral relativism. Woe any who disagree or take a contrary stand based on their own values or viewpoints.

I’m certainly not qualified to cast stones. But it seems duplicitous to accuse people of intolerance or narrow-mindedness simply because they disagree or don’t embrace one thing or another, pointing the finger of judgment and demanding concurrence with their worldview – yet not giving others the same allowance to believe as they choose. We don’t have to agree on everything to respect one another…not embracing someone else’s beliefs, lifestyle, or opinion doesn’t automatically render the other person a bigot.

Like the Wizard, duplicity and transparency are just a couple of problems with many people and organizations. Its effects are compounded particularly within organizations, where people have been repeatedly ‘rewarded’ despite lackluster performance, or promoted beyond their level of competency, and are unable or unwilling to change. Instead, pride or a lack of humility keeps them in a land of Oz, protected by their walls (position) or concealed behind their curtain of favoritism and double-standards; blind or unconcerned to the impact of their actions. This obfuscated leadership tendency is likely one attribution to the phrase ‘smoke and mirrors’.

Two years ago I wrote ‘Friends without Coffee, a tribute to my South Florida friend.  I described him as an unfiltered, anti-establishment kind of guy.  He isn’t one to beat around the bush.  He says what’s on his mind…no smoke and mirrors. While some cringe at that, he is the antithesis of the assertion “If you have politically correct opinions, you can get away with just about anything.”1  

In a creative retelling of a Greek warrior-god in her book The Song of Achilles, author Madeline Miller masterfully describes this ‘direct’ disposition she gave Achilles: “He said what he meant.  He was puzzled if you did not.  Some people might have mistaken this for simplicity. But is it not a sort of genius to cut always to the heart?” 

It’s hard not to respect someone for being unapologetically real. Organizations and people, alike, could benefit from more reality.

And less window dressing.

Everyone is flawed. But refusing to acknowledge, change, or improve known shortcomings is willfully negligent. Taking the yellow brick road of prudence and humility is a good start. Maybe an apology or two. Probably best if I shuffled around the house on my knees to save time preparing for my next apology…

Sometimes we erect walls to protect ourselves because of past wrongs or heartache. We also hide parts of ourselves, our thoughts, or our actions to spare those we care about from the pain it would cause them. We even blur the truth for other reasons, right Santa Claus?

I don’t have it all figured out.

The fact is, I am a sinner saved by grace. Fortunately for those of us whose drapes are tattered from hiding behind them, “…a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is his body…” (Hebrews 10.20).

The truth will set you free.

Get Strong. Be Strong. Stay Strong.

If I can help with that, please like, comment, share, and sign up to receive these blatherings by email.

Near Seven-Mile Bridge with Billy

1 Dobson, Ryan (2003). Be intolerant because some things are just stupid. Sisters, OR: Multnomah.

Miller, Madeline (2012). The song of achilles. New York, NY: HarperCollins.

Robertson, Donald (2020). Meditations the philosophy classic (based on The Thoughts of Emperor M. Aurelius Antoninus, translated by George Long). West Sussex, UK: Wiley

Least Bad Option

If you stumbled across this article assuming it’s about the election or the last six months of political idiocy, it’s not. It’s actually about attitude, motivation, and inspiration. But keep reading! I’m certain you’ll find value, enjoyment and maybe even some parallels.

Pirates of the Caribbean character Captain Jack Sparrow is quoted saying “The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.” It’s just coincidence that I was on the Caribbean coast of Mexico when the substance of this article emerged.

Being in Mexico resulted from a canceled cruise, but I wouldn’t call it a bad option. The weather, accommodations, surroundings, sustenance, and company were near-perfect. Conversely, as I write this it’s a snowy and windy nine degrees…to say I’d rather be back in Quintana Roo is an understatement. Nonetheless, as I try to warm my icy toes and glance out at blowing snow, I think back to a walk on the beach just a week-and-a-half ago.

Like some of you, I people-watch. Most anyone in the profession of arms will tell you people watching is not just a clumsy excuse husbands use when their eyes wander. For those trained to observe and expected to respond when things go bad, being on ‘constant alert’ becomes hard-wired and perpetual. I suspect it’s why many us us struggle to rest, unwind, or relax…especially in public spaces.

As I sought to ‘unwind’ on the beach, I noticed an athletically well-put-together, short-haired, middle-aged man smoothly striding the Mexican sand with stoic confidence. Were it not for wearing shorts, I would never have noticed his prosthetic lower left leg. The way he carried himself and combination of physical attributes convinced me he was a fellow combat veteran who’d paid a higher price than most. A chance meeting in the gym would later confirm my instant assessment was completely incorrect. But my new friend turned out to be no less impressive and inspirational.

I’ve built a notable gym and enjoy working out at home. I’m thankful to be self-motivated enough to consistently do so alone, but I don’t begrudge those who patronize gyms and derive motivation from it. In fact, it’s long been my desire to open one. But I can do without the posturing testosterone-festivals at some public gyms, where genetically ‘gifted’ beefcakes preoccupied with impressing others look down their flaring nostrils at average guys like me. Still, I sometimes find inspiration there. Mostly from humble, hard-working hard-gainers, unconcerned with attention-grabbing mating rituals. Such was the case with Greg.

He was there to work; harder than most. The fact that he is an amputee made no difference, yet made all the difference. I watched Greg’s presence raise the level-of-effort throughout the gym, mine included. By the time I introduced myself, he was cooling down on a recumbent bike, still sweating more than me. I thanked him for the inspiration and asked, “Was it one of the three ‘Cs’ – cancer, combat, childhood injury?”

There was no hint of annoyance with my imposition, nor hesitation with his answer. He smiled and replied “You forgot diabetes and motorcycle crash. Those are the two I get most often.”

It was a motorcycle crash; broadsided by a car that ran a red light.

Greg freely shared his story there in the gym, and poolside as we chatted off and on the next few days. I quickly came to appreciate and respect his disposition, the human being he is, and what he does to counsel others who’ve suffered catastrophic injuries.

In his book Call Sign Chaos, Jim Mattis quotes a writing by President Thomas Jefferson that reads, “What is good in this case cannot be effected. We have, therefore, only to find out what will be least bad.” According to Mattis, Jefferson was speaking of how to deal with England in 1807.

The context is clearly different, and I don’t presume to speak for Greg. But in my conversations with him, I understood that for three years he underwent recommended surgeries in attempts to preserve his damaged limb. He told me having it removed was one of the best decisions of his life. In his case the ‘good’ could not be effected. His lower leg and foot, despite being ‘preserved’, did not function properly. Amputation, while perhaps the ‘least bad’ option to him at the time, ultimately became the best solution. It’s tough to argue that truth when you see Greg walking down the beach, jumping in the pool, or out-sweating others in the gym. By the way, he still loves to waterski.

Truth is, I wasn’t most stirred by how Greg carried himself, his impressive physical shape, or even his tolerance of a stranger interrupting his workout to ask personal questions. It was his humble spirit and positive attitude. I noted many nuggets of wisdom as we talked, but the one that stuck with me most went something like this: ‘I’ve always believed there’s no sense feeling sorry for yourself…you just gotta pick yourself up by the bootstraps and keep going’.

Well said, Greg. And well-lived. I hope to go skiing with you in South Texas sometime.

Keep doing great things!

Get Strong. Be Strong. Stay Strong.

Mattis, J.N. & West, F.J. (2019). Call sign chaos. New York, NY: Random House.

2nd Annual Year in Review

As the calendar turned two years ago I quoted David Jeremiah, who wrote: “A compassionate man does not stand detached from the sufferings of others.  Rather, he steps into the world of the hurting and feels the pain and anguish of the one suffering.” The world has been hurting, and many suffered greatly in 2020. Maybe that quote would be better served to start 2021.

The premise behind is that strength is more than just being physically strong. It’s also about finding strength in weakness, and helping others get strong, be strong, and stay strong. Thank you, 2020, for proving that premise to be necessarily self-evident.

There’s no sense lamenting the things here we’ve lived ad nauseam the past 10 months via revolving news networks. Instead, I will continuing the fledgling tradition of recapping my blatherings from the past year.

Surely you read, enjoyed, related to, and benefited from all of my writings the last 12 months?! On the outside chance you missed any of these ‘life-altering’ posts, here’s a summary of Beyond Strength articles from the dumpster fire of a year called 2020.

Cause for Delay (video): Starting the year already behind schedule, I bought time by sending a video update from the island of Lesvos, Greece. I was there with a short-term mission team providing humanitarian support to refugees at Moria Camp. It was an amazing experience and added valuable context to my life experience and walk of faith.

The Leadership T.R.A.P.: The article used the acronym to compare and contrast Task versus Relationship focused leaders and Authority versus the Power-focused leader. Tasks tend to be one-dimensional…just get it done. But tasks and overall mission are best accomplished when relationships built of genuine care for your people come first.

Free Samples of Forgiveness: I get bogged down dwelling on my mistakes or how I’ve been wronged by others. Counselors call that ruminating. My struggles in this area are rooted in difficulties accepting and granting forgiveness. I’m committed offering forgiveness more freely and being grateful for forgiveness I’m granted. “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Matt. 6.14-15

March Forth: What better month than March to march forth toward fulfilling your purpose, achieving your goals, or making the world a better place?  I suggested some ideas like starting a blog or other venture; starting a reading program; volunteering; or getting your fitness goals on track. How did you do?

Well That’s Fabulous: Chances are you’ve seen or heard the abbreviation ‘wtf’. If seeing it makes you uneasy, don’t be. It stands for Well That’s Fabulous. WTF was a discussion about the disturbing trends being witnessed within the pandemic. This is an unprecedented crisis; no one person, organization, or government has all the answers. People should stop blaming others; stop trying to advance personal and political agendas; stop arguing about who should have done what, when; and stop trying to be an infectious disease, economics, supply chain, business, or political expert. Instead, start being more caring, compassionate, cooperative, humble, and kind.

Conspiring for Good: Election interference and virtually everything surrounding COVID-19 generated rife theories of conspiracy or malfeasance that continue to thrive. Whether conspiracy theories do more harm than good or serve to help maintain proper balance in the world, it can take years for the truth to be revealed…and even then there will be those who doubt. Conspiracies make for great entertainment, but also cause great divisiveness. Commit to conspiring to do good.

Be the Solution, Not the Problem: Here were a few ideas I shared to be more of a solution than a problem.

  • Make room for God in your life. When we understand our own unworthiness compared to a Holy God, we tend to be less of a problem for others.
  • Stop claiming the misfortunes of others as your own in some attempt to justify living however you want, or as an excuse for your own bad behavior. “Let your light shine before others…” (Matt. 5.16)
  • Embrace diversity. Enable diversity to foster and thrive by treating everyone with dignity and respect.
  • Take ownership of your mistakes and shortcomings. Owning your mistakes is solution-oriented; blaming others makes you part of the problem.
  • Pick up after yourself; leave things better than you found them; say please, thank you, and I love you more often.
  • If you see someone struggling or in need, help them. Saying to yourself, “It’s not my problem” is part of the problem.

Heard, Understood, Acknowledged: An essay about the challenges of interpersonal and organizational communication. Sometimes it’s not what I say, but my delivery that sucks. Like other challenges, there’s probably no easy answer to solving communication problems. But I have found timeliness, openness, transparency, and over-communicating helps. Can you hear me now?

Gains without Pain: There’s something to be learned from pain in our lives, be it physical, emotional, psychological, or otherwise.

  1. Recognize its warning
  2. Protect the injured area(s)
  3. Strengthen surrounding structures that are weak
  4. Properly address and treat the root cause
  5. Don’t bury, numb, or mask it with medication, over-indulgence, or risky behavior
  6. Avoid it when it’s causing damage or grief

As we move on from 2020 into the new year, I pray you’ll have a Happy(er) New Year, you’ll continue to follow along, and that you’ll make a positive difference in others’ lives.

“A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” – Jackie Robinson

Keep doing great things!

Get Strong. Be Strong, Stay Strong.

Heard. Understood. Acknowledged.

Spend any time around the military, in particular those in more ‘operational’ specialties, and you’ve probably heard prolonged discourse between members in some sort of grunting, identifiable by the root sound “hoo-ah“. This language is ubiquitous across service branches to exclaim, motivate, question, acknowledge, or agree.

From my observations over 32 years of military service, it breaks down something like this: USMC = Oorah or Hoorah; Army = Huah or Hooah; USAF = Hua or Huah.

Admittedly biased, I ascribe to an unverified report the sound and defacto meaning originates from the USAF version wherein operators used “Hua” as a communication pro-word to shorten radio transmission time acknowledging the message was ‘heard, understood, and acknowledged’ (HUA). A Google search will no doubt provide ample contradiction to its origins, and confirm your belief that I am full of hooey (not to be confused with above).

This article is about more than the ad hoc phonic of snake-eaters. It’s about the challenges of interpersonal and organizational communication. And it’s not just a lack of that’s the problem. For instance, Air Force Handbook 33-337, The Tongue and Quill, states that “For communication to be successful, the audience must not only get the message, but must interpret the message in the way the sender intended.” It’s true what my friend Terry always said: it’s not so much what I say, but my delivery that is sometimes the problem. Maybe that’s a problem in organizations, too.

Some are very good at communicating and some are not. Having experienced, present day included, the effects of poor organizational communication, I strive to do the best I can as a leader to be the former. Too often, leaders hold information hostage as if it will somehow weaken their position or undermine their authority if shared with subordinates. While there will always be circumstances not everything can be shared or is known, the vast majority of instances I’ve found it’s better to be direct, transparent, and even over-communicate, than to withhold.

Withholding information causes people to question motives and to create their own narrative – which may or may not be accurate. Rumors, misinformation, and distrust run rampant in organizations where leaders poorly communicate. Those leaders often believe ‘information is power’, and withhold it or wield it like a lever to retain control or to control others. And ‘controlling’ is neither a respected leader characteristic nor an endearing relationship quality.

I’ve found those who operate that way or control others by withholding information are often the same types of people who are insecure in their ability to lead; threatened by others’ success; or underestimate their people. Organizations are made up of bright, mature, competent professionals anxious to help it succeed. They can handle the truth, and respect a leader who tells it like it is…even if it’s bad news or the information might change later.

What they don’t respect, nor appreciate, is being kept in the dark.

Communication is difficult in the best of times, so it’s easy to see how remote-work compounds the problem. Isolation, home internet, diminished ability to read body language or facial expressions, and a host of other issues seldom considered before lockdown challenge today’s communication.

Side note: have you found yourself wondering whether video avoidance on remote meetings is a bandwidth issue, privacy concern, or maybe a matter of having ‘let oneself go’ a bit the last six months working from home?! Admittedly, I have gotten quite comfortable skipping the razor and being minimally attired…no shirt, no shoes, no problem! Except when I’m one minute out from a video call and two floors away from my closet…

Notwithstanding these current isolation, self-care, lack of face-to-face interaction, or technological impacts, even normal communication is impacted by varying expectations of necessity, purpose, and audience. Is it intended to direct, inform, or persuade? Does your audience need to know, or just want to know?

Whatever the intent or purpose, solving organizational communication involves asking myself, “Does everyone in my sphere of influence know or have the information they should about the subject?” If the answer is no, why not?

It wasn’t communicated? They weren’t paying attention? They heard but didn’t listen? They listened but couldn’t hear? Was it lost in translation? How does chain of command or hierarchy factor in?  If supervisors are given the information but fail to pass it along to their people, is that the originator’s problem?

What about texting or social media? Have you seen (or been victim to) ‘auto-correct gone bad’?

Just the other day I sent a text intending to make light of a situation, but I failed to insert the ‘eye-roll’ emoji at the end. Just that simple oversight led to an entire day of tension and silent treatment. (Insert eye-roll)

Like other challenges, maybe there’s no easy answer to solving communication problems. But I have found timeliness, openness, transparency, and over-communicating helps.

As does trying hard for my walk match my talk, but extending grace where possible knowing my own propensity to get it wrong sometimes.

Can you hear me now?

Get Strong. Be Strong. Stay Strong.

AFH 33-337, The Tongue and Quill, retrieved from

Be the Solution, Not the Problem

“What’s your problem?!?” I know you’ve been asked that. Maybe you’ve uttered those words yourself, right before realizing things were about to go south. It’s a legitimate question, but one that’s usually asked in the wrong tone at the wrong time.

I have been asking myself that question for weeks now. While I usually ask it when struggling with my thought life or downswings in my mood or attitude, recently it’s been related to my lack of motivation to write an article. The solution came after talking to my friend. He experienced similar ‘writers block’ as he contemplated the much more significant purpose of drafting his brother’s (and our bandmate’s) eulogy. He tells me he awoke in the middle of the night and just started writing.

History repeated itself in a sense, for as chatting with him was part of my solution here, he likewise helped me move from problem to solution a few years ago when he convinced me to join his band to help me recover from a dark time in my life.

Problem: They needed a drummer (I didn’t play drums).

Solution: Now I do.

It would be easy to swing at the softball floating toward home plate courtesy of the pandemic right now. After all, the current medical-social-political-economic finger-pointing circus supplies ample example; there is no shortage of those who are part of the problem. The good news is, there are just as many who are working hard to be part of the solution.

Besides people who barely passed high school math suddenly knowing more about infectious disease than actual scientists and doctors, people who are part of the problem do things like this: litter; don’t scoop their dog’s poop; procrastinate excessively; blame others; engage in cronyism and favoritism; fail to learn from mistakes; are inconsiderate or entitled (typically related); leave their shopping cart parked where cars are supposed to; pretend to care about people.

They may also fail to recognize (or care) they are part of the problem.

Here are a few ideas to be more of a solution:

  • Make room for God in your life. When we rightly understand our own unworthiness compared to the righteousness of a Holy God, we tend to be less of a problem for others.
  • Stop claiming the misfortunes of others as your own in some attempt to justify living however you want, or as an excuse for your own bad behavior (cf. peaceful protesting vs. arson, looting, assault, and property destruction). If you want to be a voice and strength for the oppressed or weak, live honorably in such a way that brings about positive change. “Let your light shine before others…” (Matt. 5.16)
  • As Dr. Samuel Betances used to say, stop counting heads and start making heads count. Embrace diversity. Enable diversity to foster and thrive by treating everyone with dignity and respect. We are all humans created in the image of God. I don’t believe supporting one race, gender, orientation, or ethnicity has to be to the exclusion, debasement, or detestation of another; you don’t have to be ‘one of’ to ‘stand with’. Fostering a culture of diversity involves being part of the solution.
  • Take ownership of your mistakes and shortcomings. Learn from them. Everyone stumbles and falls short. Owning your mistakes is solution-oriented; blaming others makes you part of the problem.
  • Pick up after yourself; leave things better than you found them; say please, thank you, and I love you more often; be a good (nobody’s perfect) human being.
  • If you see someone struggling or in need – mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually – help them. Saying to yourself, “It’s not my problem” is part of the problem.

Bystander intervention, being kind, considerate, polite, old-fashioned, or a Good Samaritan. Whatever you call it, consider this: “Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?” That’s from the second chapter of James, where he relates that faith, when not accompanied by works, is dead. Even the secular rock band A Perfect Circle seems to get it. Consider these excerpted lyrics from ‘Talk Talk’:

You’re waiting…On miracles…We’re bleeding out
While you deliberate…Bodies accumulate Sit and talk like Jesus…Try walkin’ like Jesus
Don’t be the problem, be the solution
Faith without works is, Talk without works is
Faith without works is Dead, dead, dead, dead
Try braving the rain, Try lifting the stone, Try extending a hand
Try walkin’ your talk or get the f**k out of my way

The Christian band Casting Crowns likewise addresses not walking the talk in their song ‘If We are the Body’:

But if we are the body, why aren’t his arms reaching? Why aren’t his hands healing? Why aren’t his words teaching? And if we are the body, why aren’t his feet going? Why is his love not showing them there is a way?

There is so much more I need to say about this subject, but I’ve already overstayed my welcome.

If you are a so-called leader who plays favorites, cares only about what benefits you, or creates problems where (or because) none exist, you’re part of the problem. Leadership involves solving problems, not creating them.

Be part of the solution.

Get Strong. Be Strong. Stay Strong.

Lyrics retrieved from